Landlord Services

Comprehensive Management Tenant Find & Rent Collection
Landlord advice and guidance on safety and marketing obligations
Professional market appraisal
Comprehensive advertising
Accompanied viewings
Finding a tenant and negotiating offers
Comprehensive independent tenant referencing including "Right to Rent" checks
Oversee property preparation for tenancy occupation
Final Monies Statements
Contract negotiations, drawing up tenancy agreements
Arranging independent inventory, check-in and check-out reports where required
Negotiating contract renewals and rent reviews
Pay as you go monthly fees
Rent collection, including late rent payment chasing. Monthly financial statements
Non-resident landlord tax guidance
Serving end of tenancy notice
Deposit registration and transfer to Government approved custodial scheme
Arranging gas safe certification.
Arranging electrical safety inspection and legionella risk report if requested
Dealing with Landlord maintenance responsibilities
Reporting maintenance issues and getting quotes
Arranging Landlord Maintenance Works
End of tenancy dilapidations management. Deposit return negotiations. Deposit scheme distribution administration
Advised by property specialist Law Firm on all matters, including breach of contract, late payment, disputes, termination etc.

Tate Partnership are members of the Property Ombudsman (TPO) redress scheme and subscribe to the Code of Practice for Letting Agents.